Stainless Vapor Blasting Cabinet
- Built using principles found in the "Vapour Blasting in the home shop" e-book.

Build Guides

DIY Vapor Blaster Build Guide
Vapor blasting is a process similar to sand or bead blasting, yet, in which the media is suspended in water. The water prevents dust accumulating and provides a cushioning effect to prolong the life of the media and provide a peening of the surface being cleaned. The finish achieved with a vapor blaster leaves the part being cleaned looking bright and lustrous. Old cast aluminium often looks like a new part straight from the mould.
This guide explains the construction and setup of vapor blasting cabinets, with additional information and diagrams to assist readers in constructing their own.
34 pages of information, images and illustrations on converting sandblasters and other recyclable appliances. Includes nozzle, pump and agitation jet mounting diagrams. Suggested wiring options also included.

High Flow Single Phase Compressor
Want a larger air supply, but only have single phase power available? Is your budget preventing you from upgrading to expensive single phase screw compressors?
A DIY build may be the answer to your lack of CFM!
This construction guide documents the build of a compressor with a max air delivery of just under 42.7CFM (Going off manufacturer specifications of the components) and FAD of 18.5CFM.
Blasting Nozzles

DIY blasting nozzle
This guide provides a detailed explanation of constructing your own blasting gun to suit your home built cabinet. If you need one in a rush, or can't easily get ahold of an imported gun - this is the answer for you. It can be constructed for around $15USD

1/2" Brass Vapor Blaster Nozzle
1/2" vapor blaster nozzle specifically designed for set ups with a limited air supply.
The 1/2" brass nozzle was tuned to provide the best balance between performance, and conservation of air.
Set up with a 2.5mm air jet and and uses an 8mm ceramic tip.

3d Printed Nozzles
Often times I am contacted by people who have built a cabinet that produces poor results due to the incorrect gun.
This nozzle was designed to work straight off the printer. During testing, numerous prints performed well with zero tuning.
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